Regional History


States include: Arizona, California, Nevada, Washington

Dr. Elcendia Nord, 

Far West Regional Director

Dr. Elcendia Nord serves as the Far West Regional Director. This honor was bestowed upon her in 2019. She has a fifty plus years membership with the sorority having been inducted into the sorority in 1969 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Beta Chi Chapter. In 2000, she transferred her membership to Gamma Sigma after moving to Las Vegas, Nevada. Dr. Nord received her Fifty-year pin and Certificate in 2019. She has been a faithful member of National Sorority of Phi Delta Kappa, Incorporated.

Welcome to the Far West Region  of National Sorority of Phi Delta Kappa, Incorporated. The Far West is “Small but Mighty”. We are the smallest region of the five regions. Our active membership is 200 plus. We are proud of our growth, and we will continue to press forward. The Far West Region consist of four states. Arizona, California, Nevada, and Washington. We would like to get a Chapter in Oregon. That is a future desire. Currently, the Far West Region grants two scholarships. The first-place scholarship is for $1,500 and the second place is for $1,000.

     National Sorority of Phi Delta, Kappa Incorporated is a professional organization of effective women educators in all areas of the learning arena. We are dedicated to the education of our youth. 

     We are built on our Y E S Program. Y is for Youth; E is for Education and S is for Service. There are subheadings under each of these components, which are address by each Chapter in the Far West Region.